Ruby on Rails
Postgres SQL

About Me

Hello! My name is Saadat Ali, and I am a full-stack developer with a specialization in JavaScript, CSS & HTML, React, Redux, and Ruby on Rails. With professional experience in Android and Flutter development and certification in full stack development from Microverse, I can build professional applications with good problem-solving skills.

Currently, I’m at Microverse, a coding school that allows devs from all over the world to pair-program and build projects together. Here I have learned about the professional tools that we can use to make projects easy to manage and modify in the future.

I began my career as a Freelance Android Developer for a startup. Working there I learned how to gather software requirements and work on tight deadlines. The experience helped me understand that completing a task is more important than being perfect.

Being a gold medalist is a small brag, but I am proud that I finished my graduation in Computer Engineering with honors which helped me learn that being consistent is the key to success. Also, I participated in Hackathon for Android Development, and my team was placed second out of fifty teams that participated. This competition taught me to challenge myself in a competitive environment and manage to do the task within time.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node.js
  • Next.js